News (updated 2024.09)
- Pre-print “On the stability of gradient descent with second order dynamics for time-varying cost functions”
- Dan MacDonald received the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. Learn more here
- Pre-print “Strain Tracking with Uncertainty Quantification”
- Two new Postdocs have joined the Lab. Welcome Dan and Utkarsh.
- Podcast interview of Travis on The Microbe Moment
- Interview of Travis People in Control - IEEE Control Systems Magazine
- NIH R35 grant: “Machine learning and control principles for Computational Biology”
- Pre-print “Learning Microbial Dynamics at Ecosystem Scale”
- NIH R21 grant: “Tracking the microbiome: purpose-built machine learning tools for tracking microbial strains over time”
- NSF MTM2 grant: “MTM 2: The rules of microbiota colonization of the mammalian gut”
- Research Highlight from Harvard: Bug Buddies - Engineered bacteria create friendlier microbial neighborhoods